Games & Parks Industry April 1998
"Seven out of thirteen!!"

The German firm Lobo Electronic took the lion#s share of the prizes at the international Laser Display Association (ILDA) meeting held in Lincoln (USA)
The annual meeting of the International Laser Display Association (I L D A), held last November in Lincoln, in the United States, was indeed a triumph for the German firm Lobo Electronic. Being a kind of Oscars for laser industry, the event brough to great satisfaction for both the technical and creative staff of the firm based in Aalen, a town in the south of Germany, which demonstrated by its success to be an extremely versatile outfit.
Last year too Lobo, whose business ranges from lasers for shows or special events to the production of complete laser shows, as weil as the production of optical -mechanical and electronic components for the entertainment industry, was awarded a third of the total prizes, yet this year 's seven out of thirteen is indeed a record, a reward for the firm's technological and artistic commitment.
Best animation show - "Welcome Show", a cartoon for the Korean market - best multimedia show - "NFS", an educational production on satellite navigation - best photographic creation - "Laser Fantasies", a photo series created in collaboration with a famous Stuttgart photographer - best graphic module "This is my land: The Story", a 3D animation show - but above all best technical achievement, thanks to "Digital Data Link", the new optical transmission system which allows the different components in a laser system to be connected via a thin strong fibreglass cable, guaranteeing safety and low installation costs, as well as eliminating the problem of electromagnetic dispersion.
Another reason for the satisfaction of Lobo's technical staff was the success of two creations involving the firm's most low - priced software: "Deeper" and "New Dimension", demonstrate how excellent quality laser beam shows can be created at not-excessive beam.