MODULA® stands for compact and easy-to-use laser playback controllers, ideal for use in clubs, museums, theaters, mobile applications and advertisement.

Thanks to an intuitive user interface on the front panel, you can operate a laser system and all necessary peripherals as easily and reliably as an MP3 player.
While MODULA-5® systems play pre-recorded data streams for up to 2 projectors, the new MODULA-7® calculates and displays show content in real-time for up to 4 independent projectors. Many features are now availble for this rather inexpensive platform.
In spite of its easy operation, MODULA-7® makes no compromises when it comes to quality and versatility. Whether you are looking for an automated laser player, a universal laser show recorder, a DMX-programmable system, the perfect solution for live applications or a laser controller embedded into a multimedia environment,
In spite of its easy operation, MODULA-7® makes no compromises when it comes to quality and versatility. Whether you are looking for an automated laser player, a universal laser show recorder, a DMX-programmable system, the perfect solution for live applications or a laser controller embedded into a multimedia environment,