Fairs, Animation Shows
Crazy Horror Laser Show - SIB, Rimini
Animation show specially produced for this fair with a spooky-beautiful horror theme, together with the techno-style beam show "LOBOMANIA" - complete with a dance crew.
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Fairs, Animation Shows
Animation show specially produced for this fair with a spooky-beautiful horror theme, together with the techno-style beam show "LOBOMANIA" - complete with a dance crew.
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Installations, Animation Shows
The show "Happy Halloween" ran every year for several weeks during the Halloween period in a permanently installed attraction at Holiday Park.
Animation Shows
Highly elaborately-produced laser animation in a cartoon style in combination with 3D representations on the theme of "One Thousand and One Nights", interpreted for a modern Dubai with its Burj al Arab.
Animation Shows
Extremely elaborately produced laser animation with a lot of cartoon and three-dimensionally elaborated objects, with the 7 wonders of antiquity to new wonders of modern times.
Animation Shows
Sexy show, not entirely PG, with a lot of "meat" and elements from the S&M scene. In addition, for sure the most perfectly animated female legs that you can find in the laser area... ;)
Animation Shows
This show tells the story of a somewhat older and fundamentally sad clown who, however, as soon as he enters the ring and looks into the beaming eyes of children, feels reminded of his youth and beams with happiness again.
Animation Shows
Perfect laser animation with spatially appearing Australian bush and detailed depiction of the Aboriginal characters - through discreet use of laser scanlines as an independent stylistic device.
Animation Shows
A portrayal of the formation of the earth with all its beauty, but also the formation of mankind - from prehistoric times through the Stone Age to the present day.
Animation Shows
Short but clever animation excerpt of a typical didactic planetarium show, which playfully and entertainingly visualises the different constellations such as Andromeda, Cassiopeia or Cepheus in the dome.
Animation Shows
A mysterious underwater world opens up to the divers. They encounter not only fish, giant rays and sunken ships, but also other secrets and entire palaces from the Mayan era.
Animation Shows
Aliens discover the messages sent into space by the Voyager probe and become aware of Earth and humanity.
Animation Shows
Likeable and lovingly animated show on Christmas themes, partly also humorous as a mix with additional beamshow sequences under the slogan "We wish you a merry Christmas".
Animation Shows
Abstract show from the very early nineties with a lot of 3D animations. Quite progressive for the time, making full use of the given technical possibilities.
Animation Shows
First 3D animations already with hidden line functionality from the early nineties, with expressive characters on the theme of knights and castles. Imposing and at the same time wacky staging.
Animation Shows
Quickly animated storyline with many 3D outlines in the style of computer games on the market at the time. Partly with scanline-like effects for modelling faces.
Animation Shows
A robot animated as a wire model on a wild journey as a virtual "computer surfer". In 1995, the show was already setting standards with its rapid changes of perspective and fast cuts.
Animation Shows
A world long before our time. From single-celled organisms to dinosaurs to Homo Sapiens and the discovery of fire and cave painting. Animated in the early nineties to theatrical orchestral music.
Animation Shows
Drei unterschiedliche Damen - jede von ihnen träumt von ihrem persönlichen Helden. So unterschiedlich die Damen, so unterschiedlich auch die Vorstellungen vom jeweiligen "Traumprinzen".